For as long as I can remember, the month of May has meant several things: my mom’s birthday, piano recitals, and the promise of summer break. May is such a glorious month when it comes to weather, and I’ve always been fond of it. That said, I can hardly believe how quickly this year is flying by. It feels not so long ago that we rang in the New Year in Marrakech, Morocco.
This May, I’m hoping for one thing in particular: to establish a new routine that balances my new job, this blog, and all my other current commitments. The transition has been a bit laborious with my grandmother’s passing and the funeral overseas, and I’m ready to get my mind, body and spirit settled in a new rhythm.
Goals for May 2016
1) Earlier to bed, earlier to rise.
My previous job often went till 7 or 8PM, making it really difficult to get to bed early. Now that I no longer work so late, I’m hoping to start winding down around 9:30PM and getting up much earlier to get my mind ready for the day. This will mean actually powering down on electronics and allowing my mind to relax before crashing onto my pillow.
2) A new gym routine.
I haven’t decided whether I will exercise before work or after, but it needs to happen. I spend much more time at a desk now than ever before, and I’m already feeling its effects in my shoulders and legs. Pulling myself away from the screen is hard enough, and I want to create a routine for exercise that will keep my mind and body healthy.
3) Saturday sabbaths: work-free, stress-free, screen-free.
I’ve discovered that I absolutely love to work. And since I love my job and I love blogging, it’s easy for me to bounce between these two things every single day of the week. Out of discipline and a desire to truly rest, I’m forcing myself to avoid any type of work on Saturdays. Instead, I’ll visit the farmer’s market, dig around in our garden, hang out with friends, or explore the city with my husband.
4) Mindful listening.
One of the major downfalls of having a mind that never stops running is that I have a very hard time listening well. Even when I’m conversing with close friends, my thoughts interrupt and I find it difficult to fully hear what’s being said. This month, I want to practice mindfulness during conversations– to do my best to pause those thoughts and offer my full attention.
What are your goals for May?
*P.S. It’s been a while since I’ve shared monthly goals, and I’ve really missed doing this. I’ll be sharing goals from here on out!