I hate to admit it, but I read most when I’m traveling. The otherwise idle time spent in transit is distraction-free (with the exception of movies on the plane), and I find myself more likely to make it through a book while on the road.
This past year, I yearned to learn again– to be engrossed in a topic enough to push through writing that has been solidly researched by an expert. I desired a contrast from what I read and wrote daily: blog posts, personal reflections, lifestyle tips, recipes, travel guides and photographic memoirs. While these genres are inspiring and good for personal development, I rarely find myself learning something new through them.
I realized that, if I wanted to continue learning, I needed to pop a Dramamine and actually open a book during my travels.
So you might be surprised by some of these titles; they’re not exactly stereotypical “beach reads,” and some of them focus on heavy topics. But the truth is, this is still how most of us are going to learn anything of substance or significance once we’re done with traditional education. And if we are to care about the world outside of our immediate community or whatever’s required to do our jobs, then we must seek out these sources.
Learning is difficult but necessary work. It is certainly less relaxing than picking up a book filled with pithy sayings we already agree with.