This summer I will have been on the road for about 7 weeks total. From our time traveling through Japan to our volunteering experience in Ecuador, Aaron and I have learned to work productively while we’re away from our usual space.
One of the benefits to working remotely is that it allows for flexibility of location. Freedom of location is something many of us desire– and yet, productivity can be elusive.
Some friends have asked me how I keep up with posting, emails, and even social media while I’m traveling. The truth is, it takes quite a bit of effort, but it’s definitely doable.
If you want to work while while away from home, you’ll have to throw out any preconceived notions of bronzy, attractive people lounging with their margaritas and laptops at the beach. Instead, you need to start practicing discipline– and finding a good rhythm so that neither your work nor your travels will suffer too much.