Last week, I started a new series where I’ll be sharing a few details about myself! I’ve realized that while our blogs focus on our passions, we sometimes leave out the little things that make us who we are. Through this series, I’ll share a bit more about me and I hope you’ll share something too!

c&c[Image via]

1) The first blog I ever kept up with was Cupcakes and Cashmere by Emily Schuman. I think I found out about it because I was a huge Estee Lauder fan and she was their guest blogger! As C&C has changed over time, I’ve enjoyed following Emily through different seasons in both my life and hers; and she gives me hope that a blog can grow with a blogger for many years. What was the first blog you ever followed?

2) I fell off my bike and broke my wrist when I was 13. I was racing my cousin on a racetrack and lost control. After a crash landing, I remember a sweet labrador licking my face, and staring at my very badly wounded knees. I have scars to this day from that injury! Have you ever broken a bone?

furby[Image via]

3) I adored Furbies when they first came out in the 90s. If you missed out on this toy trend, Furbies were little owl-like battery-operated “pets” that talked and responded to touch and sound. My dad and I actually had some fun memories trying to put the Furby to sleep, tickle it, or rub its back. What toys did you enjoy as a kid?

I hope you’ll share something about yourself here. And let me know if there’s anything you’d like to know about me!