I am loving this series because I’m getting to know so many of YOU! So keep the fun facts coming– you all are such interesting and amazingΒ people. And if you’d like to catch up on previous posts in this series, click here.

One of our favorite patisseries in Paris.

Our favorite patisserie in Paris.

1) One of my “back-burner” dreams is to open aΒ nonprofit cafe that benefits the community and serves French pastries. I call it a “back-burner” dream because it’s not what I am pursuing right now (currently my goals are teaching and working with children in crisis). However, I love feeding people–as you know from Monday’s post about Thanksgiving— and I think cafes are such neat places to gather and meet othersΒ in the community. And once I master the eclair, nothing can stop me!Β Do you have any dreams that you’d like to pursue one day?

I traveled to Dartmouth to do some archival research for my history thesis!

I traveled to New HampshireΒ to do some archival research for my history thesis!

2) My best subject in high school was English, but I ended up studying History in college. DuringΒ freshman fall, I took a course in American history and immediately fell in love (admittedly, with the professor…Β enamouredΒ is probably a better word). I went on to study American history almost exclusively and did not end up taking an English class at all!Β HaveΒ your academic interests changed over time? What have beenΒ your best or favorite subjects?

robin wright[Image via]

3) I went through a fashion identity crisis in high school. It was bad. I had shifted from Abercrombie in middle school (yuck, really?) to a sort of hippie-inspired 60s look. For some reason, I just adored Robin Wright’s character, Jenny, in Forrest Gump.Β Thankfully, I ended up purchasing some quality pieces that I can still wear today, but to be honest I could never really adopt the laid-back hippie “vibe”. I’m too anxious for that!Β Did you go through any fashion phases? What were they?

Thanks again for letting me share a bit more about myself. I truly have loved reading your responses and learning more about you!