It’s all too easy to plod along in the nebulous season of our twenties, forgetting that life is rapidly unfolding as the years go by. I recently started a new full-time position marketing for a small non-profit here in Pasadena. The past several weeks of transition have been exhilarating– but for the most part, I’ve felt as though I’ve been row-row-rowing my boat, if not very gently down the stream.

Milestones sneak up on us when we’re so inwardly focused. My sweet grandmother, who has been in and out of the hospital for the past several weeks, passed away on Friday morning. I wasn’t terribly shocked at the news. I was more shocked, in fact, that all while I thought time would stand still during this season of my life, it was doing the exact opposite. It was marching on.


(The photo above was taken by Aaron the first time we visited Taiwan– and my grandparents–together.)

If you’ve been around this blog for a while, you’ll remember those days when I published a post every day of the week. There was even a brief period during which I published posts on weekends as well. Gone are those days– obviously– now that I’ve spent two weeks struggling to get any writing done. (I have continued to write to our weekly email community, so join here!)

As my own rhythms change, my fears of “falling behind” have me unwilling to announce any changes here. But the truth is, I’m deciding to wait and see. As the transition calms, I want to continue blogging on a regular basis. Our community here on Simplicity Relished is growing, and I would hate to see that slow down. But if it must, it must.

Before I move on and share our next 3 travel destinations, let me say one more thing. This blog is one of the greatest projects I’ve ever done. I’ve connected with hundreds of thoughtful people around the world; I’ve learned so much about courage, entrepreneurship, storytelling and creativity; I’ve found philosophies and lifestyles that influence me in very real ways. So whether you’re visiting this blog for the first time, or you’ve been around since the beginning, I want to say thank you. Again. Because I can’t say it enough.

All right, on to our destinations.

1) April: Taipei

We’re jetsetting to Taipei next week to be with family and to celebrate my grandmother’s life. I wish we could stay longer, but any amount of time in this beloved city is better than nothing.

Stay in touch on Instagram!

While we don’t plan on doing any sightseeing, we will definitely be eating; 3 meals a day almost feels insufficient for the amount of eating we hope to do. I promise I’ll report back with pictures.


Related: 10 Best Snapshots from Taiwan

2) May: Yosemite National Park

We’re getting a Memorial Day treat with my husband’s family and heading up to Yosemite National Park! It’s been a few years since I last visited and I can’t wait to be in the mountains again. Since we’re only there for a few days, I want to spend time at dawn and dusk taking photos in soft natural light.


3) June: Mexico City

We finally decided on our summer destination! Mexico City is not like stereotypical Mexican vacations taken by American tourists: it’s edgy, notorious, and brilliantly underrated. I can’t wait to test out the burgeoning culinary scene, explore the local markets, and wander through its diverse neighborhoods. Mexico City has a handful of fine art museums as well– not to mention gorgeous historic districts. As our plans unfold, I’ll share what we find!

mexico city wallpaper

photo via

I’m excited to travel again. Even as I only recently concluded my posts on Spain and Morocco, I’m feeling challenged by how insular our lives can be when we don’t venture outside our regular routine.

So tell me: do you have summer plans? What was your most recent adventure– whether overseas or simply outside your usual route?