You guys! Within the last few months, I’ve fallen in love. With what? Radishes!

Before I started shopping at the farmer’s market, I didn’t think twice about these strange pink root vegetables. But now I can’t seem to get enough.

You see, radishes are pretty special. You can pickle them, slice them thinly with a mandolin, or you can cook them!

Raw, they have a fabulous peppery taste that adds interest to salads, tacos, or chicken tortilla soup.

But roasted, they’re juicy, crunchy and absolutely irresistible.

You can buy round radishes at the grocery store throughout the year, but they’re naturally in season RIGHT NOW! Plus, the ones I’m using today are French radishes– slightly oblong, a little less common.

Is there any way to make roasted radishes even better? Only if you add a handmade avocado “aioli” to dip them in.

Roasted French Radishes with Avocado Aioli - the perfect vegan lunch for seasonal dining

In other words, this dish is


Ready to give it a try? Here you go!

Roasted French Radishes with Avocado Aïoli


  • 1 bunch fresh French radishes
  • Olive oil
  • 1 ripe avocado
  • Juice from 1 lemon
  • Salt and pepper to taste


Preheat the oven to 450F. (In a small oven, 435-440 will do.)

Rinse the radishes and remove the stems. Coat them with olive oil and sprinkle with salt and pepper, and place them in a baking tray. Do not pile them.

Roast the radishes for about 15 minutes, rotating the tray halfway through. The radishes should start to grow tender. Do not let them brown too much.

Meanwhile, make the avocado aioli. In a bowl, mash the avocado. Add 2 tablespoons of olive oil and lemon juice, and mix vigorously.

Once the radishes are done, plate and enjoy immediately!

Roasted French Radishes with Avocado Aioli

*Bonus: Add a frisee salad on the side with your own honey-mustard dressing! To make the dressing, add 1 tablespoon of mustard to 1/2 tbsp honey and 1/2 tbsp olive oil. Mix well, and adjust for sweetness. Toss the salad and serve with your radishes. Voila!