How To Get The Most Out Of Your Travels

How To Get The Most Out Of Your Travels

Travel can carry a lot of weight, especially if you don’t get to do it very often. Once we’ve selected our destination, paid good money for flights and hotels, and finally arrived, the question tends to be: how do I make this worthwhile?! The odd thing...
10 Best Snapshots from Japan

10 Best Snapshots from Japan

As I sift through our Japan photos, I have to ask myself: is there any place more photogenic than this? So I decided to select only 10 snapshots that come with a good story or memory from our time in Japan. After reading this I hope you’ll feel compelled to...
We’re on a flight to…

We’re on a flight to…

Happy Independence Day Weekend, Americans! And Happy Friday, everyone! Today we’re off to our second international destination this summer– I can’t believe how quickly our 5 days at home went by. My desire to lie in bed for a day is only slightly...