10 Things to Avoid During an Argument

10 Things to Avoid During an Argument

Arguments and fights– we’ve all been there. And despite the fact that these are far from enjoyable, we know that every good friendship and relationship has its tense moments. However, many of us also do things that make our arguments counterproductive....
Handle With Gentleness.

Handle With Gentleness.

I am often not a gentle person. I’m brash, stubborn, opinionated and determined. I can be easily angered. And in my campaign to prove that I’m right, I often intimidate others into silence. This may be hard to believe, but those who know me well can...
What My Blog Doesn’t Say About Me

What My Blog Doesn’t Say About Me

Friends, I’ve been confounded lately by the pressure for bloggers to be more and more naked in front of their readers. No, not genuine– naked. It’s almost as though if I show my thighs or how I look when I’m sick, I’m automatically going...
5 Reasons to Go the Distance

5 Reasons to Go the Distance

Long-distance relationships are hard. It is so easy to feel frustrated, misunderstood, and generally disconnected. So what makes a long-distance relationship worthwhile? Should you stay in it? Should you go your separate ways?Before I continue, I should note that I am...