What Are We Saving For?

We often think of saving time and saving money as virtues to be proud of. Especially if we grow up in a culture or community that prizes frugality, it’s easy to think that saving resources is an end in itself. But, while we all might have different approaches to...

5 Benefits of Unstructured Free Time

We like to live life “to the max”. And in this to-the-max lifestyle, our tendency is to fill all empty spaces with something– anything. We like to fill silences with words, music or television. We like to fill empty buffet plates with mounds of...

2 NYT Op-Eds that Inspire Simplicity

I’m a regular reader of the New York Times (and can I just say– tough reads lately), but I don’t often get to the op-eds. I should though, because there were two pieces in the past couple of years that have really inspired me. When we think about...