When Simple Living Breaks Your Heart

When Simple Living Breaks Your Heart

I sat down this afternoon, determined to write about my trip to Cambodia. But this is the piece that unfurled instead. Because whenever I think for more than a moment about my recent visit to the Khmer kingdom, my proud smile melts into a heart-wrenching longing. You...
On purpose and perseverance

On purpose and perseverance

Purpose and perseverance are two weighty words. And we need both. But we often overlook their value until we’ve lost them. Without purpose, I am predisposed to overachievement. To gratify myself somehow with the hustle to prove my worth. Without something...
Beyond Minimalism

Beyond Minimalism

There comes a point in every minimalist’s journey when she has to move beyond simplifying and actually pursue her reason for minimizing. I’ve been at that point for a long time. I don’t spend weekends decluttering. I don’t go through intention...
Why New Things Will Never Deeply Satisfy

Why New Things Will Never Deeply Satisfy

It was Sunday. I walked into one of my favorite department stores to find they were running (yet another) sale. I grabbed everything that looked mildly interesting and made a dash for the changing rooms. With each outfit, I asked myself questions like, does this fit...